Kamis, 05 Februari 2015

Horizontal Directional Drilling

The Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Industry has experienced so much growth in the past two decades that HDD has become commonplace as a method of installation. One source reported that the number of units in use increased by more than a hundredfold in the decade following 1984. This growth has been driven by the benefits offered to utility owners (such as the elimination of traffic disruption and minimal surface damage) and by the ingenuity of contractors in developing this technology. To date, HDD pipe engineering has focused on installation techniques, and rightfully so. In many cases, the pipe experiences its maximum lifetime loads during the pullback operation.

Horizontal Directional Drilling Process

Knowledge of the directional drilling process by the reader is assumed, but some review may be of value in establishing common terminology. Briefly, the HDD process begins with boring a small, horizontal hole (pilot hole) under the crossing obstacle (e.g. a highway) with a continuous string of steel drill rod. When the bore head and rod emerge on the opposite side of the crossing, a special cutter, called a back reamer, is attached and pulled back through the pilot hole. The reamer bores out the pilot hole so that the pipe can be pulled through. The pipe is usually pulled through from the side of the crossing opposite the drill rig.

Pilot Hole

Pilot hole reaming is the key to a successful directional drilling project. It is as important to an HDD pipeline as backfill placement is to an open-cut pipeline. Properly trained crews can make the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful drilling program for a utility. Several institutions provide operator training programs, one of which is University of Texas at Arlington Center for Underground Infrastructure Research and Education (CUIRE). Drilling the pilot hole establishes the path of the drill rod (“drill-path”) and subsequently the location of the PE pipe. Typically, the bore-head is tracked electronically so as to guide the hole to a pre-designed configuration. One of the key considerations in the design of the drill-path is creating as large a radius of curvature as possible within the limits of the right-of-way, thus minimizing curvature. Curvature induces bending stress and increases the pullback load due to the capstan effect. The capstan effect is the increase in frictional drag when pulling the pipe around a curve due to a component of the pulling force acting normal to the curvature. Higher tensile stresses reduce the pipe’s collapse resistance. The drill-path normally has curvature along its vertical profile. Curvature requirements are dependent on site geometry (crossing length, required depth to provide safe cover, staging site location, etc.) But, the degree of curvature is limited by the bending radius of the drill rod and the pipe. More often, the permitted bending radius of the drill rod controls the curvature and thus significant bending stresses do not occur in the pipe. The designer should minimize the number of curves and maximize their radii of curvature in the right-of-way by carefully choosing the entry and exit points. The driller should also attempt to minimize extraneous curvature due to undulations (dog-legs) from frequent overcorrecting alignment or from differences in the soil strata or cobbles.

General Guidelines

The designer will achieve the most efficient design for an application by consulting with an experienced contractor and a qualified engineer. Here are some general considerations that may help particularly in regard to site location for PE pipes:

1. Select the crossing route to keep it to the shortest reasonable distance.

2. Find routes and sites where the pipeline can be constructed in one continuous length; or at least in long multiple segments fused together during insertion.

3. Although compound curves have been done, try to use as straight a drill path as possible.

4. Avoid entry and exit elevation differences in excess of 50 feet; both points should be as close as possible to the same elevation.

5. Locate all buried structures and utilities within 10 feet of the drill-path for mini-HDD applications and within 25 feet of the drill-path for maxi-HDD applications. Crossing lines are typically exposed for exact location.

6. Observe and avoid above-ground structures, such as power lines, which might limit the height available for construction equipment.

7. The HDD process takes very little working space versus other methods. However, actual site space varies somewhat depending upon the crossing distance, pipe diameter, and soil type
8. Long crossings with large diameter pipe need bigger, more powerful equipment and drill rig.

9. As pipe diameter increases, large volumes of drilling fluids must be pumped, requiring more/larger pumps and mud-cleaning and storage equipment.

10. Space requirements for maxi-HDD rigs can range from a 100 feet wide by 150 feet long entry plot for a 1000 ft crossing up to 200 feet wide by 300 feet long area for a crossing of 3000 or more feet.

11. On the pipe side of the crossing, sufficient temporary space should be rented to allow fusing and joining the PE carrier pipe in a continuous string beginning about 75 feet beyond the exit point with a width of 35 to 50 feet, depending on the pipe diameter. Space requirements for coiled pipe are considerably less. Larger
pipe sizes require larger and heavier construction equipment which needs more maneuvering room (though use of PE minimizes this). The initial pipe side “exit” location should be about 50’ W x 100’ L for most crossings, up to 100’ W x 150’ L for equipment needed in large diameter crossings.

12. Obtain “as-built” drawings based on the final course followed by the reamer and the installed pipeline. The gravity forces may have caused the reamer to go slightly deeper than the pilot hole, and the buoyant pipe may be resting on the crown of the reamed hole. The as-built drawings are essential to know the exact pipeline location and to avoid future third party damage.


1 komentar:

  1. I definitely think it's important to carefully plan the location of your horizontal drilling according to the power-lines, like your 6th point states. I once watched a neighbor accidentally cut the power to their house because they weren't careful about this. Watching for the points of conflict in plotting your drilling location will help you avoid catastrophes in the future.
